FAQ: Why am I not able to create a manual checkpoint?

If you are not able to create a manual checkpoint, please ensure you have checked:

  1. Your account has at least the 'Manage Checkpoint' role assigned, or the 'Supervisor' role. If you are a tutor, you will require the 'Checkpoint Tutor' role.
  2. Ensure that the relevant learner has the 'Allow access to Checkpoint' checkbox ticked on their account.
  3. The programme the learner is applied to will need to have criteria pre-mapped at programme level.
  4. The criteria set on the programme will need to have Checkpoint questions generated. If you are unsure, please contact your CSM or the Support team to check this for you.

To see the steps on how to create a manual checkpoint, refer to this article: https://support.aptem.co.uk/hc/en-gb/articles/18482727921298-Checkpoint-Manual-creation

For more information about the account permissions, please refer to this article: https://support.aptem.co.uk/hc/en-gb/articles/18482638019474-Checkpoint-Roles-and-Permissions

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