June 2024 Release notes

Release date: 12 June 2024 


Features / Updates

Updates to the ILR functionality

Added the 24/25 Privacy Statement

When Learners are onboarded onto their Apprenticeship programme in the 24/25 funding year, they will now see the latest version of the 24/25 privacy statement document. This ensures that Learners can make informed decisions about agreeing to the conditions that will be applied to them. All Learners reaching the end of the ILR step in the Onboarding Wizard for the first time on a programme will see the 24/25 privacy statement. Learners who have already completed this step will see the privacy statement they saw at the time of the steps completion. The ILR Privacy Notice 2024/2025 Version 1 can be found at: https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/24-25/ilr/ilrprivacynotice


Updated the Special Fee Indicator code descriptors

When an Administrator navigates to the Special Fee Indicator section to manage fee codes, they can now see updated descriptors for codes 2 and 3, clarifying their use with regards to the Turing Scheme. This can be found inside the ILR aims within the Learning Delivery HE section. This update is important for Administrators managing fee codes within the system, particularly within the Special Fee Indicator section, aiming to accurately select fee indicators and improve user experience.


Added Tailored Learning Outcome Area

When an Administrator, responsible for reporting the outcomes of tailored learning courses, wants to record key outcomes, they must now use the 'Tailored Learning Outcome' field. This has been added as a mandatory field that must be completed when the Learner completes their course. This follows the ILR coding and will report as expected in the ILR batch file which is submitted to the appropriate funder.


Updated LDM Codes (363 and 391)

When an Administrator managing funding claims navigates to the Learning Delivery Monitoring (LDM) section in ILR Aim, they can now apply LDM code ‘391 - Earnings Threshold’, for starts from the 1st of August 2024. In addition, we have set LDM code ‘363 - Learners in receipt of low wages' to be valid for starts before the 1st of August 2024. This allows them to ensure precise funding claims, maximize funding opportunities, and maintain compliance with funding regulations, ultimately improving funding accuracy and efficiency.


Renamed ACL

When an Administrator creates or amends ILR records, they will now see an updated description of ACL from 'Community Learning' to 'Tailored Learning' in the Learning Aim modal. This adjustment has been made in line with the changes to Community Learning, making it easier for Administrators working in the ILR to locate this field.


Removed Requirement for Framework for T Levels

When Managers enter T-Level Learners into the ILR, the options to add a Framework code (FworkCode) or Pathway (PwayCode) are now disabled when Programme type 31 is selected and the earlier of the Original Learning Start date and Learning Start date is after 31/07/2024. This prevents accidental inclusion of these options, which could cause validation errors or require extra work to fix. Additionally, the Framework code (FworkCode) or Pathway (PwayCode) will still be shown when Programme type 31 is selected and the earlier of the Original Learning Start date and Learning Start date is before 01/08/2024. This change ensures accurate data entry, minimizes validation errors, and reduces the need for corrections, ultimately improving the efficiency and accuracy of managing T-Level Learner entries.


Added Aim Field Requirements for FM38

When an Administrator, responsible for maintaining ILR data, utilises the Funding Model '38 - Adult Skills Fund', they can now input information according to the ILR specification. This ensures that all necessary data can be entered to submit the Learner’s ILR to the respective funder successfully. The following are the collection requirements, M denotes mandatory and O optional:

  • Learning Aim Reference (M)
  • Aim Type (M)
  • Funding Model (M)
  • Programme type (O)
  • Delivery Location Postcode (M)
  • Learning Start Date Postcode (M)
  • Learning start date (M)
  • Learning planned end date (M)
  • Original Learning Start Date (O)
  • Additional Delivery Hours (O)
  • Funding adjustment for prior learning (O)
  • Other Funding Adjustment (O)
  • Subcontracted or partnership UKPRN (O)
  • Full or Co-funding indicator (M)
  • Completion status (M)
  • Source of funding (M)
  • Restart Indicator (O)
  • Family English, Maths and Language (O)
  • Learning Delivery Monitoring (LDM) (O)
  • Devolved Area Monitoring (DAM) (O)
  • Learning Actual End Date (M if Completion Status not 1)
  • Outcome (M if Completion Status not 1)
  • Outcome Grade (O)
  • Withdrawal Reason (O)
  • Learning Delivery HE (O)
  • Learning Support Funding (LSF) (O)
  • Provider Specified Delivery Monitoring (O)

Note - Those fields marked as bold are specific collection requirements for the Funding Model '38 - Adult Skills Fund'. The ones not in bold are general collection requirements.


Added Aim Field Requirements for FM11

When an Administrator, responsible for maintaining ILR data, utilises the Funding Model '11 - Tailored Learning', they can now input information according to the ILR specification. This ensures that all necessary data can be entered to submit the Learner's ILR to the respective funder successfully. The following are the collection requirements, M denotes mandatory and O optional:

  • Learning Aim Reference (M)
  • Aim Type (M)
  • Funding Model (M)
  • Delivery Location Postcode (M)
  • Learning Start Date Postcode (M)
  • Learning start date (M)
  • Learning planned end date (M)
  • Planned hours (O)
  • Subcontracted or partnership UKPRN (O)
  • Full or Co-funding indicator (M)
  • Completion status (M)
  • Source of funding (M)
  • Restart Indicator (O)
  • Learning Delivery Monitoring (LDM) (O)
  • Devolved Area Monitoring (DAM) (O)
  • Tailored Learning (ACL) (O)
  • Community Learning which is Family learning (AFL) (O)
  • Learning Actual End Date (M if Completion Status not 1)
  • Outcome (M if Completion Status not 1)
  • Outcome Grade (O)
  • Withdrawal Reason (O)
  • Provider Specified Delivery Monitoring (O)

Note - Those fields marked as bold are specific collection requirements for the Funding Model ' 11 - Tailored Learning'. The ones not marked as bold are general collection requirements.


Updated DAM Codes (073)

When an Administrator navigates to the ILR submission section and selects DAM codes for Learners, they can now select DAM code ‘073 - Software Driven Distance Learning' for aims starting from the 1st of August 2024. The system automatically shows/hides DAM codes based on the Learner's aim start date, providing a smoother and more accurate submission process. This prevents errors in ILR submissions and ensures compliance with reporting requirements.


Renamed Prog Type 30

When an Administrator navigates to the ILR and Programme Builder sections to manage T-Level programmes, they can now see the updated name 'T Level Foundation Year' for Programme Type 30. This avoids confusion when selecting programme types, ultimately improving programme management efficiency. The value set in the ILR batch remains unaffected by this change, ensuring continuity in reporting processes.


Removed Destination and Progression

When an Administrator is managing ILR entries, they will now see that the Learner Destination and Progression fields are removed for entries where all aims have a Learning Start date or Original Learning Start date on or after 01/08/2024. If any aim has a Learning Start date or Original Learning Start date before 01/08/2024, the Learner Destination and Progression field will still be displayed. By default, if there are no aims, the Learner Destination and Progression field will not be shown. Additionally, if the field is removed from the page, its content will be cleared. This change ensures customers can report accurate data to their funding agencies, avoids unnecessary data capture, and reduces administrative burden.


Updated the Funding Model (FM) list

When an Administrator, responsible for maintaining the ILR, wants to select the Funding Models for 'FM 11 - Tailored Learning' and 'FM38 - Adult Skills Fund', they can now do so from the Funding Model dropdown in the ILR Aim. Once the Learning Start Date field has been completed the Funding Model field will now refine the options available to be selected. Administrators therefore must enter the Learning Start Date before selecting the Funding Model to be shown the valid options. These two new Funding Models have been integrated into the ILR template in the Programme Builder, enabling Administrators to automatically apply these Funding Models when the programme is applied to the Learner.


Added new LLDD code 18

When an Administrator /  User navigates to the LLDD section to manage Learner disabilities, they can now select code 18 ('Down Syndrome') from the list of available codes. This ensures accurate reporting of Learner disabilities, particularly for Learners identifying with Down Syndrome, promoting inclusivity and compliance with reporting requirements. When selected in the Health problem category question, code 18 will be available for selection in the Primary health problem question.

Updates to Aptem Checkpoint

Updates to Reporting Screens - Tutors

When a Tutor reaches the answer breakdown section under the Checkpoint tab of the Individual Learners Checkpoint Reporting section, they can now see what the correct answer should have been versus what the Learner selected.

  • For incorrect answers, both the Learner's answer and the correct answer will be displayed.
  • For correct answers, only the Learner's answer will be displayed.

This feature aims to help reflect on Learners' progress, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and focus on areas that require further attention.



Updates to Reporting Screens - Learner

When a Learner reaches the answer breakdown section under their Checkpoint history tab, they can now see what the correct answer should have been versus what the Learner selected.

  • For incorrect answers, both their answer and the correct answer will be displayed.
  • For correct answers, only their answer will be displayed.

This feature aims to help reflect on Learners' progress, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and focus on areas that require further attention.



Added pagination for individual-level reporting screen

When a Tutor is reviewing the Individual-level Reporting pages for Learners' previous Checkpoints and wants to move between large lists of data, they can now do so by using pagination controls. 

  • Tutors can use the pagination controls (e.g., next, previous, specific page numbers, first, last) to move through pages of Checkpoint data.
  • Tutors can use the drop-down list and choose to display 5, 10 or 20 rows on each page within the grid.


Added support for tutor-group-learner association

When Tutors with the 'Tutor Console - View All in Assigned Group(s)' role assigned are accessing the Checkpoint Reporting pages they can now view reporting data for all Checkpoint Learners visible to them through grouping structures defined. This will mean they do not have to be the Learners' case owners to view this data. 
Note - Reporting data will not be available for 'Supervisors' and 'Checkpoint Tutors' and 'View All in Assigned Groups' roles if there are more than 218 Learners to view. A toast notification informs them that "Reporting pages do not currently support Tutors with more than 218 linked Learners". This will be improved to expand this limit in future releases of Checkpoint. 


Updated Submit Screen for learners

When a Learner completes 100% of the Checkpoint questions and clicks 'Finish', they will now be taken directly to the summary results screen, eliminating the intermediary 'Submit Activity' screen. If a Learner clicks 'Finish' without completing all questions, they will still be taken to the 'Submit Activity' screen with a continue option. This prevents the Checkpoint from being submitted as not all questions have been answered.

image after.png


Learner Profile now routes to Individual Reporting

When a Tutor navigates to the Checkpoint tab inside the Learner Profile, they now have the ability to access Learners' Individual-Level Reporting for Checkpoint. A new card with a hyperlink labelled ‘View Programme Summary’ has been added to navigate Tutors to Learners' Individual-Level Checkpoint Reporting screens. This helps save time for Tutors by providing direct access to the specific reporting screen required without the need to navigate through multiple drill-down screens. 


Aggregated Reporting Screen - Filtering

When an Administrator/ Tutor navigates to the Checkpoint Programme Summary screen and wants to view data relating to average Checkpoint scores, they can now use the 'Filters' option. This gives the option to filter by 'Average Checkpoint Score' allowing administrators/tutors to effectively analyse their data. 


Added Standard name to the first column of the Checkpoint Programme report

When an Administrator/ Tutor is viewing the Checkpoint Programme Summary page and wants to identify the associated standard name for a programme listed in the grid, they can now find it in the programme column. This simplifies the process for administrators/ tutors to identify the standards associated with each programme listed in the Report. 


Added Search functionality for drilldown reporting view

When an Administrator/ Tutor navigates to the Checkpoint Programme Learners Summary page, they can now search for specific Learners by name to streamline the process of managing and monitoring Learner progress. This feature is accessible via: Checkpoint -> Programme -> Programme Name. Administrators and Tutors can now do the following:

  • Search for Learners by name by entering the name in the search input to quickly find specific individuals
  • Clear the search input by clicking on the 'X' icon to reset the search and view all Learners again

Added Search functionality for Aggregated reporting view

When an Administrator/ Tutor, is using the Checkpoint Programme Summary page they can now search by programme name or standard via the search bar. This allows for quicker navigation and efficient access to the necessary information.



Update to Aptem Assess

Added an Introduction page for learners accessing Aptem Assess assessments from the Dashboard

When a Learner launches the Aptem Assess Cognitive Assessment from the Caseload Dashboard, and they want to understand what the Cognitive Assessment is, they will now see a clearly-worded introduction page explaining what it is and how to complete it. This update will also provide consistency in the display of text and UI, aligning it with the experience Learners have when accessing the Cognitive Assessment via the Onboarding Wizard. A change has also been made to Start Your Cognitive Assessment page whereby Important Tips have moved to the left of the screen and the title of this page has been made clearer. 

Introduction Screen from Dashboard



Introduction Screen from Onboarding




Updates to Integrations

Update to the Communications Connector with Teams

When a Tutor in Aptem wants to amend the owner of a Placement, they can do so by updating the owner details in the Placement screen. The Teams integration will now work for the new owner. A new URL will be generated for the new owner and the URL in the Learner’s Task will be replaced. Only the new owner can then start the Teams meeting from Aptem.

Also see: Using the Communications Connector with Teams for Placements/Workshops.


Added Scottish Functional Skills Initial Assessments (BKSB)

A Learner can now undertake BKSB Scottish Maths and English assessments. These can be accessed during the onboarding wizard or from the Functional skills learning plan components. The results of the assessments will pull back into Aptem and can then be viewed by administrators to allow them to make informed initial assessments of the learner's needs.
Admins with the Manage Programmes role will see a new bksb token in Onboarding and Delivery Programmes. This token has two dropdowns, one for English and one for Maths. Existing users of BKSB English assessments will see no change as the setting will default to English.
The customer must have licensed the Scottish assessments for this connection to work.
When a learner first accesses the assessments, this setting will determine whether they are presented with English or Scottish assessments. Once the learner has accessed their assessments any changes to the setting will not affect which assessments are presented to them by BKSB.

Sub-Programmes cannot be configured to use English or Scottish assessments but will inherit the setting from the delivery programme they are associated with. This will avoid conflicts between the settings between the delivery and sub-programmes. 


Updates to Reporting

Since the last release, the following updates to the Reporting functionality have been made and released as a minor release:

Caseload Dashboard

When an administrator is viewing the metrics on the Data Checks tab of the Caseload Dashboard, and they want to see which Learners the metrics are reporting, they can do this by clicking on the number of a metric and the Learners appropriate to the selected number are displayed in the new Learner Detail table. The Learner Data can then be filtered further by using the standard filters available on the left of the dashboard.


Compliance Dashboard

When an administrator is using the Compliance Overview tab of the Compliance Dashboard and they want to monitor data on Apprenticeship Agreement completion, they can do this by using the new Apprenticeship Agreement tile metric which shows the number of Learners who have or haven’t completed it, and via the Learner data table which shows whether a Learner has completed it or not. 


Fixes and minor improvements

  • Accessibility Improvement: When an Administrator clicks on the help icons of the ‘Learner Progress’ and ‘Workload’ cards on the Caseload Dashboard, the close button that appears after the click now receives the correct focus. This assists with accessibility for Learners to utilise their keyboard only to navigate through the Caseload Dashboard.
  • When an Administrator using Aptem Classic accesses the Competencies Dashboard and Report in the User Profile, and wants to generate PDF reports that capture all assessments reflected on a spider diagram, they can now do so. Previously, when Administrators generated Competency Reports, the spider diagram was not rendered in the pdf, potentially leading to incomplete visualisations. Now, all assessments of Learners' competencies are captured and displayed as a spider diagram in the pdf report, providing a comprehensive visual representation.
  • When a learner in the "On a break" status views their Learning Plan, the 'Upload' and 'Add Notes' buttons are no longer visible, to prevent them from uploading evidence, reflecting their 'break in learning' status. This behaviour has also been applied to Learners who have a status of 'Change of Programme' or 'Withdrawn'.
  • When an Administrator/Learner is utilising the system's rich text editors and wants to enhance content with hyperlinks, they now have the ability to insert, link, or unlink hyperlinks in the following areas of the editors: 
    • Admin
      • Add Component
      • Edit Component
      • Create Task for component
      • Mark evidence
      • Help and Support under Branding customisation
      • Create Task
      • Edit Task
      • Create Review
      • Edit Review
    • Learner
      • Create CV
        • Personal Statement
        • Skills
        • Work Experience
        • Education
        • Finalise
        • Edit CV
        • Personal Statement
        • Skills
        • Work Experience
        • Education
        • Finalise
      • Create Task
      • Edit Task

This is to give different Users the benefit of accessing external or internal resources that others can benefit from.


Upcoming features - within the next three releases

Based on the work we have completed in the past feature sprint(s), we have the following features lined up for release in the near future:

Aptem Enhance: Virtual assistant

Leveraging the power of AI, Aptem's virtual assistant will initially support Learners on questions relating to their specific apprenticeship standard. We have many more capabilities planned for the virtual assistant over the rest of 2024 - more news in future announcements! Our early access version is expected to be available for beta testing soon. The virtual assistant is part of the Aptem Enhance initiatives. Please contact your CSM for information on how to get involved with Aptem Enhance.

Aptem Assess enhancements

Additional Learning Support Resources

Building on our latest customer feedback, we continue to develop Aptem Assess by making​​ additional learning support resources available via the Resource Centre. This will aid Learner progression for those identified by giving them access to relevant resources that can support and modify their learning plan.


Cognitive Assessment Results Text Update

Improvements will be made to the wording of the Aptem Assess Cognitive Assessment results to ensure these indicate that additional learning support may or may not be required for the Learners. Changes will include:

  • 'Support Required’ will be updated to ‘Support Indicated’
  • 'Support Not Required' will be updated to ‘No Support Indicated’

Note - these changes will apply to the historic cognitive assessments, as well as the new assessments. The changes will also be reflected in OData and UGR.

Centralising Compliance documents

We are working on a self-serve document creation tool that will allow customers to create and maintain their own compliance documents based on Aptem templates from one central point. Customers can designate templates that will apply by programme and start date. Customers will be able to maintain compliance document templates without the need to clone and rebuild programmes. This aims to remove the significant administrative burden placed on customers whenever a new template version is released.

Aptem Checkpoint: Applied KSB's

This initial iteration introduces applied KSBs (scenario-based) questions within the Checkpoint module. Each Checkpoint will feature one scenario-based question, enabled through beta testing soon. This iteration will also differentiate between question types within the Checkpoint configuration to allow for future customisation and enhanced reporting by tagging and distinguishing theory-based questions from scenario-based questions. Applied KSBs is part of the Aptem Enhance initiatives. Please contact your CSM for information on how to get involved with Aptem Enhance. 

PowerBI Funding Dashboard Updates

We are continuing to improve the user experience and value of data provided within the Funding Dashboard Report. A number of changes will be made including:

  • Extending the reporting period filters
  • Merging funding detail reporting tabs
  • Merging pop out errors into existing tabs
  • Merging the provider weighting tab with the funding headline reporting tabs
  • Merging funding summary and Learner funding tables

For more information, see: Planned updates to the PowerBI Funding Dashboard.

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