The ‘Review Last Date’ field reflects the start date of the most recently created completed review of the relevant review type. The creation date referred to in this logic is not visible in the system’s user interface (UI). However, within the Reviews feed in OData, there is a ‘CreatedDate’ field that identifies when each review was created. This field is used to determine which review the UGR logic applies to.
Logic for the ‘Review Last Date’ field:
Based on the review type, the system identifies the completed review with the most recent ‘CreatedDate’ and displays its start date in the UGR. It is important to note that there can be scenarios where:
The ‘CreatedDate’ differs from the start date.
The ‘CreatedDate’ of the most recently completed review is earlier than the maximum ‘CreatedDate’ for that review type.
For the learner and Milestone Review – 2022 shown below, the maximum ‘CreatedDate’ among all completed reviews is 08/11/2022 (as observed in the Reviews table of the OData feed). The start date of this review, 08/11/2022, is displayed in the UGR (as shown in the second screenshot).
The same data is represented in the Users OData table, within fields that begin with the prefix UserReviews_ADET_GRModel_ and conclude with the trimmed name of the Review Type.
For instance, for a Review Type labeled "MilestoneReview - 2022 last date" in the UGR, the corresponding OData field would be UserReviews_ADET_GRModel_milestonereview2022