Learner Summary Screen


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See Aptem Apprentice Pricing for information about the packages.


Learners, Tutors, and Admins will have access to Checkpoint data at varying levels of programme, cohort and individual Learner to review and assess progress.

On the Learner Summary screen, administrators/tutors can view all the Checkpoint data for a particular learner. This makes it easy for administrators/tutors to understand individual learner progress with the details required to aid Learners.


These detailed reports will be available to any ‘Admin' user type with the Checkpoint roles and permissions. Tutors can access Checkpoint reports of Learners they are directly associated with only. This ensures strict confidentiality and data integrity.

Note that when Tutors with the 'Tutor Console - View All in Assigned Group(s)' role assigned are accessing the Checkpoint Reporting pages they can view reporting data for all Checkpoint Learners visible to them through grouping structures defined. This will mean they do not have to be the Learners' case owners to view this data. 

Reporting data will not be available for 'Supervisors' and 'Checkpoint Tutors' and 'View All in Assigned Groups' roles if there are more than 218 Learners to view. A toast notification informs them that "Reporting pages do not currently support Tutors with more than 218 linked Learners". This will be improved to expand this limit in future releases of Checkpoint. 



1. On the menu to the left of your screen, navigate to ‘Checkpoint’

2. A list of Programmes is displayed

Prog Summ.png

3. Click on a “Programme” to view Checkpoint details relevant to that programme. From here, a programme-specific summary is displayed.
By default, you can see a maximum of 10 items per screen. To navigate through the list, you can:

  • use the pagination controls at the bottom of the screen.
  • use the searching and filtering functionality.

Prog Summ next level.png

4. Select a programme from this list. A Learner Summary screen is displayed - this has all the Checkpoint data for the Learner. On the Learner Summary screen, you can view learner specific information in the following tabs: 

  • Programme Summary
  • Checkpoints
  • Learning Plan Components

Programme Summary


A high-level summary of the Learner - when they are finishing their programme, the date of their next review if planned, and a summary of Checkpoint metrics.




The Checkpoints tab allows greater insight into how the Learner is performing within the Checkpoints they have completed. By default, you can see a maximum of 10 items per screen. To navigate through the list, you can:

  • use the pagination controls at the bottom of the screen
  • use the searching and filtering functionality

Each Checkpoint has the following data displayed:

  • Trigger: How this Checkpoint was surfaced to the Learner. This could be automatic via the completion of a learning plan component or manually via the Tutors creation.
  • Date taken: The date on which the Checkpoint was completed
  • Score: The result of the Checkpoint
  • Number of questions: How many overall questions were included within the Checkpoint
  • Time spent on the checkpoint: Time take to complete the Checkpoint

On expanding an individual Checkpoint using the arrows at the end of each row, you can view the following details:

  • Theory / Scenario: The type of the question.
  • Answered Correctly:  Which questions were answered correctly and which ones were answered incorrectly. Administrators/tutors can see what the correct answer should have been versus what the Learner selected.
    • For incorrect answers, both the Learner's answer and the correct answer are displayed.
    • For correct answers, only the Learner's answer are displayed.



If you expand a question, you will see an explanation for questions that the learners has answered correctly and feedback for questions where the learner has not answered the question correctly.



Tutors can export data from the Checkpoint History screen in CSV format for in-depth analysis and reporting. An "Export" button has been added to the screen, enabling tutors to convert the visible table data into CSV format. After exporting, a confirmation message, "Data exported successfully," appears to confirm that the process was completed correctly.



On the Checkpoint tab, you can apply the following filters:

  • Trigger Type
  • Date Taken - From and To dates
  • Checkpoint score - From and To scores

Checkpoint tab filters.png

Learning Plan Components


The Learning Plan Components tab shows Learner's progress for various learning plan components. 

  • Learning Plan Component: Name of the learning plan component
  • Component Type: Which type of learning plan component this is
  • Complete By: The deadline for the component to be completed (set at a programme level)
  • Due By: The deadline for the component to be completed (set at an individual Learner level)
  • Status: The current status of the learning plan component
  • Mapped KSBs: How many different KSBs have been pre-mapped to the learning plan component. On expanding an individual row using the arrows at the end of each row, you can view the details of the mapped KSBs. 

When a Tutor wants to monitor Learners' progress across various curriculum components and Knowledge, Skills & Behaviours (KSBs), they can navigate to the Learning Plan Components tab in the individual Checkpoint reporting screens and track Learners' progress across specific curriculum components and evaluate their progress in developing KSBs. This helps Tutors provide targeted support and ensure Learners meet learning objectives. They can do the following:

  1. View KSB details in the Learning Plan Components grid: Click on a button within each row to access more detailed information about the KSBs associated with a specific learning plan component.

  2. Assess progress for each KSB: View a progress bar for each KSB, giving a visual representation of the learner's advancement. The progress bar represents the progress the Learner has made towards completing the KSB mapped to the associated Learning Plan Components. Each KSB can be associated with multiple Learning Plan Components. All Learning Plan Components that a KSB is mapped to will need to be completed for the progress bar to reach 100%. This progress matches the progress bars displayed within the Learning Plan functionality.

  3. Check percentage of completion: See the percentage of completion for each KSB, providing a quantitative measure of progress.


On the Learning Plan Components tab, you can apply the following filters:

  • Component Type
  • Complete by: From and To dates
  • Due by: From and To dates
  • Status


other tab.png



You can search for specific learners by entering the name in the search input to quickly find specific individuals.

To clear the search input, click the 'x' icon inside the search box. This will reset the search and you can view all learners again.

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