Tenant Settings - Checkpoint Configuration
Enabling the Checkpoint Feature
Please contact your CSM to have the Checkpoint module enabled for your tenant. Once enabled, Administrators with the 'Manage Tenant Settings' or 'Supervisor' permission can navigate to Settings > General and configure Checkpoint settings.
Configuring a Checkpoint to surface to the Learner
A Checkpoint can be surfaced to the Learner manually by a Tutor, or periodically, or automatically once a learning plan component reaches the status of ‘Completed’. These are referred to as ‘trigger’ options and will need to be configured independently.
Applied KSBs
- In case of automatic Checkpoints, when creating a new Programme Set, an administrator can choose a target number of scenario-based and theory-based questions per KSB.
- In case of periodic and manual Checkpoints, apart from theory-based questions, a random scenario question will be added to all Checkpoints.
- On the reporting pages, learners, tutors and administrators will see a label that differentiates between a theory question and a scenario question.
For more information: