Viewing Historic Checkpoint Data

This page contains information relevant to the Enterprise package only.

If you aren't sure which package you're on, please check with your Customer Success Manager. 
See Aptem Apprentice Pricing for information about the packages.


As a Learner, if you want to access your historical Checkpoint data, you can do so by using the "Checkpoint History" area, displayed on the Checkpoint screen.



1. Select the "Checkpoint" area under the Requires Attention card or click the flag icon on the top-right of your screen.

2. The Checkpoint screen is displayed. Navigate to the "Checkpoint History" section.

The information displayed on this screen includes the following:

  • Checkpoint: Name of the Checkpoint
  • Trigger: How this Checkpoint was presented (automatically after learning plan completion or manually raised by the Tutor)
  • Date Taken: Date the Checkpoint was completed
  • Score: Results from the Checkpoint
  • # of Questions: Number of questions included within the Checkpoint
  • Time Spent: Amount of time taken to complete the Checkpoint

3. You can expand the information by clicking the down arrow button on the far-right to reveal more specific details.

learner checkpoint history page.png

The information displayed on this screen includes the following:

  • Score: Results from the Checkpoint
  • Questions are labelled 'Theory' or 'Scenario' based on the question type.
  • Answer breakdown: Which questions were answered correctly or incorrectly.
    • For incorrect answers, both their answer and the correct answer will be displayed.
    • For correct answers, only their answer will be displayed.

If you expand a question, you will see an explanation for questions you have answered correctly and feedback where you have not answered the question correctly.

This allows you to view how you are progressing, and where improvements can be made potentially through conversations with your Tutor or reviewing previous learning.

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