March 2024

Release date: 13 March 2024

Key updates

Updates to Aptem Assess

Assessment categorisation for each Aptem Assess cognitive assessment

When a member of Learning Support Services is viewing a learner's Aptem Assess cognitive assessment, they can now view the categorisation assigned to the learner’s cognitive assessment. With this enhancement, admins can now easily identify and categorize learners based on their assessment results and quality score, allowing for more efficient prioritization of support needs and potential next steps.


Assessment categorisation is calculated for the Aptem Assess cognitive assessment on a scale of 4 separate categories:

  • No Attention Required: Indicates the learner has met the assessment criteria without any issues.
  • Low Quality - Retake Advised: Suggests the assessment's quality is below expectations, recommending a retake.
  • Advisory - Learning Support Indicated: Implies the learner might benefit from further discussion or support.
  • Priority - Learning Support Indicated: Signals a high priority for additional support for the learner.

Detailed information of the category calculations can be navigated to from the link next to the value on the Cognitive Assessment report. For details, see: Aptem Assess Categorisation.

Note: Existing Aptem Assess customers will need to speak to their CSM’s to arrange for the enablement of this feature to be planned in. The Quality score feature must also be enabled to utilise having categories assigned. Aptem Assess cognitive assessments completed prior to enablement will not automatically display the category. If this is required, customers will need to speak to their CSM to schedule a migration to pull through the category for all assessments – this will be available in a future release.


Extended UserCognitiveAssessmentSummary OData fields

When a Learning Support Manager is using the UserCognitiveAssessmentSummary OData fields in UGR and OData to identify learners who may need additional support based on cognitive assessment results, they can now streamline the process of creating and running reports. This enhancement allows Learning Support Managers to efficiently identify learners who may require additional support based on their cognitive assessment results and follow up on the outcome of their engagement.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Reporting Capabilities: With the extended UserCognitiveAssessmentSummary OData fields, Learning Support Managers can now access comprehensive data without the need for additional formatting. This improvement simplifies the identification of learners needing extra support and the evaluation of their progress.
  • Detailed Cognitive Assessment Insights: The release includes the addition of several critical fields:
  • Overall Result: Displays the latest completed Aptem Assess Cognitive Assessment's overall outcome, making it easier to understand the learner's support requirements at a glance. (Support Required/Support Not Required)
  • Quality Score: Reflects the quality of the learner's engagement in the latest completed assessment.
  • Assessment Category: Displays the suggested category of action required based on the quality and cognitive assessment results, for the latest completed assessment.
  • Individual Test Results: Available within the User table for the latest completed assessments, mirroring the detailed data provided by the AptemCognitiveAssessment feed. (Support Required/Support Not Required)


Minor updates and fixes 

Accessibility Improvements

At Aptem, we aim to offer our users an accessible product that meets the latest WCAG AA Standards. We are committed to improving accessibility, including updating styles for interactive elements like buttons and links.     

Keyboard focus / Interactive elements

Interactive elements have been made entirely compatible with a keyboard. Improvements made:      

  • Keyboard focus follows into expanded content – Dashboard
  • Focus is moved to new content when the page is dynamically updated - Learning Plan
  • Content triggered by mouse hover or keyboard focus is dismissable - PowerBi Reports
  • EPAPro settings: options in 'Connections' filter can be selected from keyboard
  • Trackers: Added autofocus on button inside for modal window
  • Keyboard focus style is updated properly for the buttons – Edit/Create Tracker Screen
  • Keyboard focus style is updated properly for the “Cancel” and “Save” buttons - Edit/Create Tracker Screen

Programmatically unidentified element

Interactive elements need a programmatically determined name, role, and value. These properties must also be accurate and appropriate. Improvements made:    

  • Tooltip reading order is programmatically determined - Skills Radar
  • Listbox components are programmatically determined.  - Tasks
  • Listbox components are programmatically determined.  - Learning Plan
  • Interactive element is programmatically determined - Onboarding Steps

Updated terminology

To prepare for our upcoming Communications Connector with Microsoft Teams, we have updated terminology in Aptem.

  • When an admin or tutor wants to specify that a meeting will happen online, the “Use Zoom” checkbox will now read “Meet Online”. This will appear within Meeting Components, Reviews and Placements and Workshops.
meet online1.png meet online.png
  • In Placements and Workshops, when “Use Zoom” was chosen, admins and tutors had the option to “Start Zoom” or “Cancel Zoom”. These options will now state “Start Online Event” and “Meet Offline” respectively.

Switch between viewing a learner in Console and Classic

When an admin is viewing a user's profile in Console or Classic and wants to be able to easily navigate between the two interfaces, they can now do so by using the new button added in Classic and Console learner profiles for switching between learner profiles Classic and Console. This feature helps reduce the effort involved in moving between the two interfaces, enhancing the user experience for admins managing user profiles.

view profile1.png view profile.png


  • When a user is synchronizing Learning Plan Components for multiple learners, and encounters unexpected exceptions, the operation will now continue for remaining target learners
    • In Classic UI: A pop-up will display the names of the learners for whom the operation failed.
    • In Console UI: A detailed report will indicate which components for which target learners failed to update. This improvement ensures a smoother and more informative syncing process for users.
  • When a user in the Classic version of the system is working on a review and needs to set due dates for tasks in the "Action Plan" section after 01/01/2024, they can now do so. This defect fix allows for flexibility in selecting due dates beyond the previously restricted date.

    Previously, users were unable to complete the Action Plan section within a review as the due date picker was limited to 01-01-2024, hindering their ability to set tasks for learners. This fix addresses the issue and ensures that users can fully utilize the Action Plan feature without restrictions on due dates.


Upcoming features - within the next three releases

Based on the work we have completed in the past feature sprint(s), we have the following features lined up for release in the near future: 

Surfacing Review Responses sections via OData

In order to give customers greater reporting and forecasting abilities with regards to the Reviews functionality, we will surface review custom sections, including their responses via a new OData feed. The general availability for this feature will be in Q2 2024.

We will further improve this feed to surface the following sections:

  • Core Topics
  • EPA Gateway
  • Individual Support Needs/ Requirements
  • Short and Long Term Goals
  • Comments
  • RAG

This will ensure parity with the Classic review export functionality.

Aptem Assess enhancements

We are further developing Aptem Assess, to provide additional learning support resources, accessible via the resource centre, which can be used to modify a learner’s learning plan.

Communications Connector with Teams

We are working on implementing a Communications Connector with Teams. This will allow users to schedule / join Online Events in Teams directly from Aptem.

Aptem Checkpoint

Aptem Checkpoint, the first of our Aptem Enhance features uses large language models and built-in knowledge of the KSBs to check a learner's understanding throughout their apprenticeship, evidencing progress and acting as a supportive tool to successful completion. It is designed to supplement one-to-one discussions, equipping tutors with invaluable insight into where their support is most needed, without requiring any additional time to prepare materials or schedule extra conversations.

  • Aptem Checkpoint offers a library of questions and answers mapped to the IfATE apprenticeship standards KSBs.
  • Answering these questions successfully provides an impartial indicator of learner success at EPA. Incorrect responses guide learners on how to improve.
  • Lack of engagement with these checkpoints, or poor scores, indicates intervention is required, reducing drop-out or out of funding.
  • This is a flexible feature and can be used during onboarding to assess starting points, throughout a learner journey to assess progress, and pre-Gateway to assess preparedness for EPA.
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