FAQ: Why are the TNP and ACT data fields not available in the user generic report? How can I retrieve this information?

The TNP and ACT data fields will not be available in the UGR report because it relates to Aims-level details, and there can be multiple entries per learner. UGR captures single-level entries, and for multiple-level entries, OData is the recommended approach.

To report on PMR/TNP values, you can utilize the Power BI dashboards located in the Funding dashboard under the 'PMR/TNP report' tab. The data can be exported from there.


Additionally, there's another tab called Learning Funding Data, which provides ACT values.


Alternatively, you can use OData to report on these fields. To achieve this, the Apprenticeship financial records table needs to be joined with the ILRAims table using Aim ID and ID columns from the respective tables. The ILRAims table contains the LearnerID. If you're specifically interested in total TNP figures, these can be fetched directly from the ILRAims table.

To accurately report on the correct TNP figures, kindly reference the 'TotalTrainingPrice' and 'TotalAssessmentPrice' columns within the ILRAims table (displayed below). Alternatively, you can extract the most recent TNP figures from the ApprenticeshipFinancialRecords table by filtering based on 'Date' and/or 'Order' columns in your reporting

The Apprenticeship financial records table contains recorded TNP figures for each episode on the programme. However, when generating reports, only the most recent TNP figures should be taken into consideration.
You can find the OData dictionary here.



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