Accessibility improvements - November 2023 release 1
The following is a list of Accessibility improvements made in the November 2023 release 1:
Keyboard focus / Interactive elements
Interactive elements have been made entirely compatible with a keyboard. Improvements made:
- Added the ability to navigate to Skills radar graph using the keyboard.
- Background elements receive focus - Add asset popup.
- Background elements receive focus - Tenant settings > Integrations > Calendars.
- Background elements receive focus - Registration & Certification > Filters.
- Background elements receive focus - Signatures > Filters.
- Background elements receive focus - Trackers filter.
- Focus indicator for the collapse button in the filter sections - Job Finder.
- Power BI Reports - Top navigation elements have appropriate keyboard focus state.
- Background elements receive focus - Extended ILR onboarding step > Add evidence.
- Keyboard focus when adding assets for Digital Learning component in Add Component screen.
- Background elements receive focus - Calendars integration.
- Background elements receive focus - Add calendars popup on Review scheduling assistant.
- Background elements receive focus - Import and update qualifications.
- Background elements receive focus - navigating away from Edit programme details.
- Keyboard focus made clear on the Export Portfolio button.
- Background elements receive focus - Evidence details on Mark evidence page.
- Background elements receive focus - Learning Plan synchronisation popup.
- Keyboard focus displayed in Add Sub Programme control.
- Background elements receive focus - Requesting change of name, address or contact details.
- Background elements receive focus - Creating Organization/Address/Contact in job-related trackers.
- Background elements receive focus - Sign/Edit compliance.
- Background elements receive focus - learner on CV builder while trying to leave.
- Background elements receive focus - Job Finder Suggested jobs popup.
- Keyboard focus for 'Call' option in Learner Details Top menu.
- Background elements receive focus - delete task from calendar.
- Create/Edit Review form: interactive controls 'Select file...' is nested in the 'Upload file' form.
- Background elements receive focus - Learner's Documents - Upload Compliance document.
- Create/Edit Review form: the 'Upload file' form element has a label.
- User can navigate to Learner's PRaP Details Version History by pressing Enter/Space key in Learner row in PRaP Import Review Required drill down.
- Background elements receive focus - Add/Edit Learner's documents.
- Background elements receive focus - Add/Edit EPAPro connection popup.
- EPAPro settings: keyboard focus navigates away from expanded element.
- Keyboard focus for Advice Centre navigated from CV builder.
- Able to navigate to Show History in Evidence Details Edit screen - Mark evidence.
- Keyboard navigation for Back button in Import and Update Qualifications form.
- Keyboard focus colour in the Yes/No Pop-up buttons are correct.
- Keyboard focus in the back arrow of Mark evidence screen is correct.
- Keyboard focus style has been updated properly for the buttons - Setting Screen.
- Keyboard focus style has been updated properly for 'Additional Settings' button- Setting screen.
- Keyboard focus for Tasks item is fully visible on Dashboard.
- Tenant settings: Top navigation elements don't have appropriate keyboard focus state.
- In trackers, the non-interactive elements of information and warning boxes are no longer receiving a keyboard focus.
- Groups quick filter is now highlighted on focus.
- Top filters are focused in the order in which elements appear - Trackers general grid.
- Able to view the tooltips with keyboard navigation of QA related items in learning Plan.
- Focus returns to triggering element - Advice Centre.
- EPAPro settings: Keyboard focus for 'Dates' filter.
- CV Builder Progress: Elements have visible focus indicator.
- Interactive element receives keyboard focus - Login Page.
- User can click on 'View Errors' link in Import PRaP: Validation Report screen using keyboard.
- User can select Organisation name via keyboard in Add Organisation form in Create Tracker form.
- End-Point assessment settings: Interactive elements have visible focus indicator.
- Keyboard focus for items selected in Job Finder screen Filters.
- Keyboard focus style has been updated properly for close button - Signature Screen.
- Top Filters in Learner grid has clear focus when navigating via keyboard.
- Able to navigate to "Back arrow button" in the Create/edit Trackers Page.
- Link is now visible on 'Contact Name' Element when Focused or Hovered, Hover Colour Change is now visible to admin - Messaging Center.
- When the Enter button is pressed with focus on the Learner, the Learner’s profile will be opened.
- Interactive elements have no visible focus indicator - Dashboards.
- Non-interactive elements no longer receive keyboard focus - Skills Radar.
- Non-interactive elements no longer receive keyboard focus - Resource Centre.
- Focus returns triggering element - Resource Centre.
- Background elements no longer receive focus - Notifications.
- Content triggered by mouse hover or keyboard focus is dismissible - Skills Radar.
- Content triggered by mouse hover or keyboard focus is dismissible -Tasks.
- Content triggered by mouse hover or keyboard focus is dismissible - Signatures Grid.
- Added a role and link that makes “Help and Support” button interactive via keyboard - Help & Support.
- Interactive element has the correct role - Dashboards.
- Non-interactive elements now longer receive keyboard focus - Dashboard.
- Background elements no longer receive focus - Filters.
- Content triggered by mouse hover or keyboard focus is dismissible - Learners Grid.
Alternative text
Non-text content must have appropriate alternatives. This is required for the content to be understood by all users. Images, icons and so on may otherwise be miscommunicated by assistive technology. There were informative icons that had no text alternative. Improvements made:
- Review: in the section 'Functional Skills' edit buttons have discernible text.
- Buttons have discernible text error in My Learners button.
- Count of Accepted Records and Error records is now readable by voiceover or screen reader - Import PRaP: Validation Report.
- Tenant settings - Markers: redundant alternative text was removed for decorative image.
- Appropriate page titles added - Dashboards.
- Informative error icon now has alternative text - Login/ Public Pages.
- Fixed text spacing issue for "Registration & Certification" link - Site Navigation.
- Decorative images no longer have redundant text alternatives - Advice Centre.
- Informative images have text alternative - Login/Public Pages.
- Informative icons have text alternative -Onboarding Steps.
Programmatically unidentified element
Interactive elements need a programmatically determined name, role, and value. These properties must also be accurate and appropriate. Improvements made:
- Added required parent roles to the elements with an ARIA role in the section ‘Review Schedule’.
- Added accessible names to the dropdowns in the PLR, Skills Radar, and Custom sections.
- Create/Edit Review form: Valid ARIA attribute values "aria-activedescendant".
- Create/Edit Review form: elements with a role attribute use a valid value in Date and Time picker.
- Error message associated with input fields - Add/Edit EPAPro connection modal.
- Screen Reader reads correct name of the Back button - “Create Review” page.
- Back button reads correct name via screen reader - Add Assessment Details page.
- Create/Edit Review form: ARIA input fields now have accessible names.
- Create/Edit Review form: Date and Time picker elements now only use allowed ARIA attributes
- Error message associated with input fields - PRaP Import screen.
- Error message associated with input fields - Finalise Page - CV builder.
- Error message associated with input fields - Education Page - CV builder.
- Error message associated with input fields - Work Experience Page - CV builder.
- Error message associated with input fields - Skills Page - CV builder.
- Account Settings: Notification settings elements have semantically - <li> element <ul>.
- Fixed ARIA reference error in PRaP Import screen.
- Fixed the issue with the ARIA roles in the Top Menu items.
- Fixed accessibility issue with 'Schedule/Reschedule' buttons on Planned Reviews Grid.
- Fixed accessibility issue with 'Complete By' fields on the Create/Edit Review form.
- Fixed ARIA reference for file uploader - Create/Edit Review.
- RPL Calculator tracker: aria-labels were added to the Revised Practical Period End Date and Revised Practical Period Price fields.
- RPL Calculator Tracker: Added areaform labels for Custom reduction inputs.
- Trackers - Fixed ARIA reference for file uploader.
- Fixed invalid ARIA attribute value 'dropdown-menu' on the Reviews grid.
- ARIA label has been added to the Job Title control on the Job tracker.
- Current page is programmatically identified - Learners Grid.
- Text spacing issue fixed: Registration and Certificate page is accessible up to 200% zoom.
- Placeholder text spacing is fixed - Learners Grid.
- Search results programmatically identified - Learners Grid.
- Errors messages that appear on blur have programmatic call-to-action - Tasks.
- Error message associated with input fields - Tasks.
- Appropriate use of aria-pressed attribute - Onboarding Steps.
- Added appropriate use of ARIA tabbed interface semantics on accordions - Login/Public pages.
- Replaced Bootstrap Accordion with Bootstrap Collapse which uses native element <button> and updates 'aria-expanded'.
- Current page is now programmatically identified - Site Navigation.
- Public fields with autocomplete now have attributes - Login/ Public Pages.
- Error message associated with input fields - Login/ Public Pages.
- Autocomplete attribute has been used - Login/ Public Pages.
When components have custom focus indication, such as a custom ‘outline’, the indication must pass colour contrast requirements with adjacent colours. Improvements made:
- Fixed contrast colour error in the Timeline Widget.
- Keyboard focus style now meets contrast requirements.
- Custom focus indication contrast (grey/yellow outline) - Tasks.
- Custom focus indication contrast (blue outline) - Signatures Grid.
- Custom focus indication contrast (blue outline) - Filters.
- Regular text has sufficient contrast - Tasks.
- Regular text has sufficient contrast - Signatures Grid.
If a relationship between elements is expressed with visual cues, it also needs to be programmatically determined. This enables assistive technology to communicate the relationships to users. Improvements made:
- Heading marked up semantically - Messaging Centre.
- Description list marked up semantically: Added <dl>,<dt>, and <dd> tags - Learner Profile.
- Unordered list marked up semantically - Dashboards.
- Tags <h1>,<h2> have been added to the 'Training plan' and '"Month " buttons to correct the semantics of elements - Learning Plan.
- Menu semantics used appropriately on dropdown - Learner Profile.
- Element semantics that inappropriately suppressed with aria-hidden were removed - Dashboards.
Hidden content
When content has a meaningful order, an appropriate reading order needs to be programmatically determined. This enables those using assistive technology to effectively navigate the content and understand it. Improvements made:
- Resolved issue where blank screen issue was occurring upon closing navigation menu at 200% Zoom - Dashboard Screen.