FAQ: How long does it take for Ofsted report details to appear in the Quality Power BI Dashboard after publication?

After an Ofsted report is published, our system follows a specific update schedule to ensure that timely and accurate information is reflected in the Quality Dashboard. Here's a breakdown of the update process:

  1. Checking for Updated Ofsted Reports: We initiate a check for updated published Ofsted reports around the 11th of each month. However, please note that the exact day may vary depending on the day of the week.
  2. Updating Quality BI Reports: Once we obtain the latest information from Ofsted, we proceed to update the ‘Menu’ report on the Quality Power BI dashboard, which includes the overall Ofsted rating. The updates can usually be seen approximately 7-10 days after the new file has been received (which as advised above is around the 11th of each month). 

So, for example, if your Ofsted report was issued in June, you can expect the data to be updated before the end of July. 

Please note, the updates are based on the date the reports are issued/published and not the date of the visit.

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