FAQ: Why can't I see a 'Return to Learning' (RTL) tracker for a learner returning from a 'Break in Learning' (BIL)

If you're unable to see the RTL tracker for a user, please check that their programme status is not showing as 'On other Break,' as this means that the Break was processed manually. 

To successfully proceed with the RTL (Return to Learning) process tracker, you'll first need to establish a Break In Learning tracker for the user. To do this, you'll have to update the user's program status to 'Active.' To achieve this, locate the user in Classic, navigate to the Program tab, select their status, and change it to 'Active.' Once this step is done, follow the instructions below to create a Break In Learning tracker for the user. Specify the dates corresponding to when they initiated the break until their expected return date: Break in learning.

Once you have completed the setup and ensured its accuracy, you can then proceed to create an RTL tracker for the user. You can follow the linked guide for instructions on how to accomplish this: Return to learning.

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