FAQ: Changing the case owner for a learner does not change the component owner of the Learning Plan components. Why?

For the component owner to be updated with new case owner, the following conditions have to be met.

  • The component is assigned to the learner's current episode program.
  • The component is not deleted.
  • The previous case owner is set as the component owner.

If the component owner is not being updated for any of the components in the learning plan, it is likely because the case owner was changed after the learner was stopped on the current program, which means that the 1st criteria from above set is not met.
To address this issue, please follow these steps:

  1. Re-apply the learner back to the same programme.
  2. Assign the same case owner which was assigned prior to learner being stopped on the programme. You can check the Learner’s Audit trail for the changes to case owner.
  3. Then, change the case owner to the desired one.

Please note that sub-programme components will not be affected, as component ownership for those is handled through the programme application form.



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