June 2023


Release 4.50 Release date: 14 June 2023


Additional configuration for SCORM assets

Previously, our SCORM assets automatically recorded time spent when the asset report was generated, this time spent was attached as off-the-job hours. In cases where the activity was not valid for off-the-job hours, the customer had to manually remove these when they assess the evidence.

Now, a new ‘Do not record time spent’ checkbox has been added to the create/edit/upload screens. In case the checkbox is ticked, no hours will be recorded when the asset is completed. This solution will help customers remain compliant with the ESFA Apprenticeship funding rules and avoid the consequences of non-compliance.

The default state of the checkbox is unchecked, therefore time spent will be recorded. This is to preserve current behaviour. Note that checking the box will not remove hours already recorded.


You can also filter the SCORM assets by assets that do/do not record time spent.


Rollout information

Will be rolled out to everyone on release.


Improvements to the Power BI Reporting Dashboards

UI/UX improvements have been made to the Quality and Caseload Power BI Reporting Dashboards, updating the font type, colours, and border style to be consistent with Aptem's branding guidelines.

The new theme will be deployed to the remaining Power BI dashboards in the coming weeks.

Rollout information

Has been rolled out to all customers on 19 May 2023 (Quality) and 26 May 2023 (Caseload).


Minor updates / Bug fixes

  • OData dictionary update: The ‘OData fields’ tab has been updated. The latest OData dictionary can be accessed here: OData dictionary.
  • A customer reported an issue where Maths and English Functional Skills results were not showing in the OData feed for some learners. This has now been resolved.
  • In a particular case, learners who completed the onboarding wizard were unable to proceed and add a signature to the UVAC compliance document. This issue has now been fixed.
  • A customer was not able to save the template when creating an ILR template with the programme type ‘32’ of Skills Bootcamps. The customer was notified that financial records need filling in, even though this is not a requirement for the Skills Bootcamps. This issue was resolved, and filling in financial records is no longer required for the Skills Bootcamps.
  • On the Aptem Assess screen, if the latest completed Assessment is selected in the dropdown, the ‘Reset Assessment’ button is visible and enabled. If any historical Assessments are selected in the dropdown, the ‘Reset Assessment’ button is hidden, removing any potential confusion of how the process works.
  • UI/UX fixes were made to improve the readability of text on the on the Aptem Assess welcome screen.
  • A customer reported seeing an error message when attempting to synchronise a component after adding a SCORM asset to a digital learning component on a specific programme. This issue has now been resolved.
  • There was a discrepancy in the accountability tab in the Quality Dashboard, where learners who had previously been on a break, then returned & then went back on a break were not being added. This has now been fixed.
  • On the Quality dashboard, the menu page was not showing Ofsted grades against the current education inspection framework. The Quality dashboard has now been updated to show the current education inspection framework.


Upcoming features – not part of the June release

Based on the work we have completed in the past few weeks, we have the following features lined up for release in the near future:

Trackers in Console

The management of trackers will be available on Aptem Console in a future release.

This will enable administrators to directly control which process automation trackers they want to use, thus avoiding the intermediate step where an administrator would request these to be enabled via Aptem support/ICs.



Addition of Custom Withdrawal Reasons to the ‘Withdrawal from learning’ tracker

We will be adding the ability for customers to have flexible withdrawal reasons. The ESFA withdrawal reasons are either not applicable or too general, leading to problems for the tutors in selecting the correct reason. There was a need to manually create the reasons elsewhere to be able to generate meaningful reports. This feature will enable more targeted interventions to avoid withdrawals.


23/24 ILR Version 1

Based on the proposed changes to the ILR for 23/24 published by the ESFA, we are making necessary changes so that our customers are able to accurately record their learners in their ILR and submit this without error.

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