March 2023

Release 4.47

 22 March 2023


New OData Fields

Administrators can now report on 'visible' Learning Plan Component data using OData, so that the results match what the Learner and Employer see on their dashboards.

  • UserLearningPlanSummary_LearningPlanProgress_VisibleComponents
  • UserLearningPlanSummary_ExpectedLearningPlanProgress_VisibleComponents
  • UserLearningPlanSummary_ComponentsCount_VisibleComponents
  • UserLearningPlanSummary_CompletedComponentsCount_VisibleComponents
  • UserLearningPlanSummary_MinExpectedLearningPlanProgress_VisibleComponents

The new fields are clearly named for the Users to be able to differentiate between the existing fields that contain all components and the new fields that only contain visible components.

Rollout information

Will be rolled out to everyone on release.


‘Actual Off the Job Hours’ field added to Process Automation Tracker form

Administrators can enter the actual off the job hours an apprentice has completed when they change programme, so that a complete ILR record for the withdrawal is created that they can report to the ESFA.

‘Actual Off the Job Hours’ has been added as a field on the Create Tracker form for the following:

  • Withdrawal from Learning Process Automation (Console)
  • Change of Programme Process Automation (Console)

When is this field displayed?

This field will be available on all trackers that have not been Rejected/Processed/Closed and any newly opened trackers.

The field is displayed only when the following conditions are met:

  • Aim type = 1
  • Completion Status = 1
  • Planned hours not empty

The Actual Off the Job Hours field should populate upon initial creation of the tracker. Updates to the prepopulate sources will not affect the contents of this field after the tracker has been created.

How is this field populated?

This field is populated from the actual off the job hours stored on the programme aim in the ILR. If there are no hours recorded here, then the field is populated using the Completed hours value used in the Off-The-Job Hours card on the learner dashboard. This value will be used even if it is zero.

If there are multiple programme aims that satisfy the ‘Determining if the Actual Off the Job Hours field should be displayed’ criteria, then the latest aim by start date will be considered.

Audit History

The Actual Off the Job Hours field and value is being added to the audit history.

Processing Actual Off the Job Hours

When the Status of the tracker is set to 'Process' and the tracker is saved and if there is a value present in the 'Actual Off the Job Hours' field, the Actual off-the-job training hours ILR field on the programme aim(s) that meet all of the following criteria will be updated:

  • Aim type = 1
  • Completion Status = 1
  • Planned hours not empty

Rollout information

This change will be rolled out to all tenants, but is relevant only to those tenants who have these process automations enabled. This field will be available on all trackers that have not been Rejected/Processed/Closed, and any newly opened trackers. Note that these updates have been made to Aptem Console only.


Minor updates / Bug fixes

  • The default selection in the Completion mode dropdown in the Review Add/Edit form has been changed from Tutor Decides to All Evidence Accepted to match the Learning Plan Components forms. Note that already created reviews/ learning plan components completion mode will not be affected by this change.
  • In one case, stopping and reapplying a programme was breaking the link between the programme and component aims in the ILR. This has now been resolved.
  • In one case, documents created in the Documents section in the onboarding template were still visible in console even after the Document step was disabled. This has now been fixed.
  • In a particular case, admin users created via API were unable to activate their account. This issue has now been resolved.
  • In a particular case, a customer was able to create two accounts with the same email address when using CSV import. This has been fixed, and the CSV import does not allow accounts with duplicate email addresses to be created.
  • After the Reviews re-architecture release, a customer reported issues such as Reviews not appearing in Review section, and reported a "no review attached" message even though the components did have reviews attached. These issues were investigated and resolved.
  • A customer was unable to see any Cognassist details, and was unable to register learners using Console. This has now been fixed.
  • A customer was unable to sign a Functional Skills review for a specific learner and saw a 404 error message. This bug has been fixed.
  • A customer reported that in case of learners who re-assess themselves on the Skills Radar, occasionally the UGR pulls through the first assessment instead of the latest one. This issue has now been fixed.
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